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Smart connected hydration and fitness platform

Hydration + Fitness in one 
allows for a healthy harmony
Many fitness pros are crafty and smart when comes to using the bare minimum to get the maximum work out in.
Plastic jugs and water bottles are often used for work outs as they are readily available and adaptable to suit and individuals needs.
They have the added benefit of being able to hold water to replenish the body, after a session of sweating.
Water Weights 
Countless Fitness products use water for weight
Water is great for resistance training, and this idea is certainly not a new one. The products on the market range from new and sleek, to traditional and minimally adapted from standard water jugs and bottles.
How much water? 
There is no transparency into how these weights impact a persons body.
With growing interest to log and keep track of a persons fitness routine, there is an opportunity to create a smart connected weight system that can also act as a means of hydration tracking.
Hardware product trends that reflect health fitness inspiration
Monochromatics with color accents are great metaphor for the choreography of a workout.
Monochrome → Endurance
Color            → Energy Burst
Brand and UI trends in the health and fitness category focus and bold imagery and high contrast.
People, their bodies, and then a hierarchy of information makes their way to the front page. This prioritization is a means to guide the user to preform. At the core of the services it's about guiding the use to better health through interesting and effective communication.
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Combining bottle, jug, and fitness weight forms into a product that fits current trends and an athletic lifestyle.
Water bottles and weights don't always fit into the same contexts, so using lifestyle materials unobtrusive features, and an elegant yet bold stance will need to reflect the current fitness atmosphere.
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